Almost four months have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. For this time, the Ukrainian job market has suffered a lot of different changes, especially the industry part of it. But the IT part is the least changed by war. Despite this, the situation on the Ukrainian IT market remains difficult. The recovery started at the beginning of May, but it was stopped by the fall of the global investment market and the reduction in the IT sector in Europe and the USA.
The IT industry is one of the least affected by the war, and workers were able to quickly adapt to the new realities. But at the same time, the market for most outsourcing companies has changed significantly.
The number of vacancies for IT specialists has decreased by 27% according to
Djinni. This is almost three times less than job search candidates. Traditionally, in Europe, the USA and Israel there is a great demand for DevOps and developers with knowledge of Python, Node.JS, and microservices.
As of June 28, 2022, there are 54,000 candidate profiles on Djinni, which is 50% more than in January. Most of this growth comes from "active search," when candidates are actively looking for a job. The number of candidates in "passive search" increased by only 16% (June-January).